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5. The Muravey Portable Laser Therapeutic Device

The Muravey therapeutic device is a portable and small-size apparatus. It has an array of 10 pulse laser diodes, which serve as its emitter.

The radiation wavelength is 890 nm, the maximum pulse radiation power ranges from 50 to 80 W (one laser diode makes 5 - 8 W); the power can be adjusted from zero to the maximum. The pulse repetition frequency is 80 Hz, and it can be modulated at a low frequency of 2.4 Hz (pulse-periodic mode). The device has an automatic timer and visual-acoustic indicators that show the time of the procedures start and termination.

An illuminated liquid crystal display (LCD) shows radiation power rate, procedure time, and the level of battery discharge. For your convenience, the device is protected against an accidental switch-on. When the device stands idle for a long time, it automatically switches off (protection against “forgetfulness”).

The device is user-friendly; you have only to choose radiation power and procedures duration in accordance with the attached guideline. After a session is finished, the device switches off automatically in a few minutes.

The power is supplied through a battery of the 1604A type (like “Krona”, “Korund”) or a mains adapter, which allows to use it both at home, and in the field conditions. A battery makes the device operation not less than 50 hours, and the indicator of battery discharge allows to replace it in time.

For the purposes of laser-magnetic therapy, MM50 and MM100 mirror magnetic attachments (with induction of 50 and 100 mT respectively) can be used.

The device doesnt weigh much, and it can be easily placed on a palm.

Basic Specifications of the Muravey Portable Laser Therapeutic Device

Radiation mode

Pulse radiation

Radiation wavelength at a temperature of 25 ± 5 °Ñ, nm

890 ± 30

Pulse repetition frequency, Hz

80 ± 5

Laser radiation pulse duration, nsec

170 ± 50

Maximum pulse radiation power, W


Maximum pulse radiation power density

near an output window for laser radiation, W/cm2


The area of the surface under radiation, cm2:

-  contact exposure

-  exposure at a distance of 2 cm from the output window

-  exposure together with a magnetic attachment




Modulation frequency, Hz

2.4 ± 0.1

Off-duty factor of the modulating signal

2 ± 0.4

Maximum magnetic induction in the area of output window

for laser radiation, mT


Exposure time in the automatic mode, min

0.5, 1, 2, 4

Electric power supply:

-  220 W and 50 Hz power-line supply

-  autonomous

9-V adapter

1604A type battery (like “Krona”, “Korund”)

Battery operation time, hours, not less than


Dimensions, mm

150 õ 65 õ 50

Weight (without a mains adapter), kg, no more than


Indications for Using the Muravey Portable Laser Therapeutic Device:

- cardiovascular diseases (ischemic heart disease, FC II and III stenocardia, hypertension, cerebrovascular disorders);

- peripheric vessel diseases (obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerosis, chronic thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers caused by venous insufficiency, diabetic angiopathy);

- functional disorders of the central nervous system (neurasthenia, psychasthenia, depression, stressful conditions, insomnia, desynchronosis);

- peripheral nerves diseases (neuritis, neuralgia);

- diseases of organs of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, noncalculolis cholecystitis, chronic hepatitis, colitis);

- otorhinolaryngological diseases (rhinitis, genyantritis, otitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, angina);

- lung and bronchi diseases (pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial allergy, pleuritis);

- skin diseases (dermatopathy) (dermatitis, neurodermatitis, furuncles, fissures);

- slowly granulating wounds, slowly consolidating bone fractures, post-surgical and post-traumatic scarring;

- burns;

- diseases of organs of the urogenital system: kidneys (acute and chronic pyelonephritis, urolithiasis), urinary bladder (cystitis), prostate (prostatitis), urethra (urethritis);

- gynecological diseases (gynecopathy) (adnexitis, salpingo-oophoritis, craurosis vulvae, dysfunctional uterine bleedings);

- diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, myositis, tendinitis, fibromyalgia syndromes, soft tissue bruises, periostitis).

Medical Instructions

On the basis of the long-term experience of using the Muravey portable laser therapeutic device, there have been made renewed and completed medical instructions on how to use it.

Medical instructions are included into the set of the Muravey portable laser therapeutic device.


Mechanism of action of low-intensity laser radiation
Indications for laser and magnetic-laser therapy
Contraindications to laser and magnetic-laser therapy
Methodological principles of laser therapy
Ischemic heart disease, FC II and III stenocardia
Cerebrovascular disorders
Obliterating endarteritis
Arterial sclerotic disease of large arteries. Diabetic angiopathy
Pathology of veins in lower limbs
Varicose disease
Thrombophlebitis of deep and superficial veins in lower limbs
Trophic ulcers caused by venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis
Functional disorders of the central nervous system
Peripheral nerves diseases (neuritis, neuralgia)
Diseases of organs of the gastrointestinal tract

Chronic hemorrhoid, chronic sphincteritis, anal fissures
Otorhinolaryngological diseases

Acute and chronic, vasomotor, allergic rhinitis
Chronic genyantritis
Stomatitis, parodontitis, parodontosis
Fractures of the lower jawbone
Lung and bronchi diseases
Acute bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis and bronchial allergy

Skin diseases (dermatopathy)
Slowly granulating wounds, slowly consolidating bone fractures, post-surgical and post-traumatic scarring
Diseases of organs of the urogenital system
Chronic pyelonephritis
Renal colic
Subacute, chronic prostatitis
Gynaecological diseases (gynecopathy)
Adnexitis, salpingo-oophoritis
Craurosis vulvae
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Diseases of knee joints
Diseases of small joints
Tendovaginitis, repetitive stress injury (tunnel syndrome)
Spine osteochondrosis
Lumbago, ischias, lumbosacral radiculitis
Low-intensity laser therapy in traumatology
Dislocation, incomplete dislocation, soft tissue bruises
Neglected dislocation
Injuries of ligaments, tendons
Muscle damage
Closed muscle damage
Septic wounds
Bone fractures
Contractures of joints adjacent to fractures
Laser self-care
Sporting activities

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1, Building 3, Tamanskaya St., Moscow 123103, Russia.
Phone/Fax: +7 (495) 729-8544
Cellular Phone: +7 (903) 277-9013, +7 (905) 752-5153
E-mail: mail@magicray.ru