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8. Diagnosis of the Physiologic Condition of Blood by means of

Dark-Field Microscopy



Blood is a liquid tissue that is composed of blood plasma and formed elements. It transports substances around the body and performs protective and other most important functions of the body.

In practice, what is most often used is general blood analysis that determines the hemoglobin concentration, the number of erythrocytes (red blood cells) and leucocytes (white blood cells). The analysis also includes a leucogram calculation and an erythrocyte sedimentation test. To this end, fingertip blood is put on a piece of glass and dried out, which is then followed by a hematoxylin and eosin stain and microscopy. The method is wide-spread and simple. It is of greatest use for diagnosing different diseases, though it is not quite physiologic. Only an erythrocyte sedimentation test enables one to estimate some functional side of blood condition, but still not to the full extent.

At the same time, as far back as the 19th century the method of dark-filed microscopy was used to reveal a spirochete that caused syphilis. It was due to the fact that spirochetes don't grow on environments, and usual staining couldn't reveal it. That was why dark-field microscopy came to be a perfect diagnostic method of the time. Over the years, however, there appeared simpler and more available serologic methods of blood examination, and dark-field microscopy receded into the background, though its been used ever since till now.

At present, scholars have concluded that a more thorough idea about blood condition can be provided not by a quantitative (a usual blood test), but a functional diagnosis of blood formed elements and plasma condition. We can examine this condition by means of dark-field microscopy of blood.

Method Description

A microscope is aimed at the examination of a blood drop in a transmitted light in a bright and dark field. The examination of blood is to be held at a 40-fold ocular magnification.

The examination of blood under a dark-field microscope enables to determine:

  • the condition of erythrocytes, their mobility in plasma or aggregation (clumping) and sludge (the formation of solid aggregation that covers all field of vision);
  • leucocytes that characterize the main features of the immune system in accordance with their size relative to the diameter of erythrocytes and with their phagocytic activity which can be perfectly seen during the examination;
  • the condition of thrombocytes;
  • the fluid part of blood (plasma). During the examination it's important to evaluate the degree of its purity (the presence or absence of microorganisms in plasma).

The Formed Elements of Blood

1. Erythrocytes are red blood cells whose main function is to transport oxygen molecules to all other cells of the body. Erythrocytes live up to 120 days, after that the liver splits these aged cells. That is how bile is produced, which is used by the body to digest fats in the small bowel. When erythrocytes are healthy, big-sized and are not aggregated, oxygen receptors on the surface of these cells can absorb and transport a maximum oxygen quantity. An increased oxygen saturation of cells enhances the metabolism processes, which in its turn increases the energy potential of the body. But what is more important is that, this is why cells accumulate a smaller amount of biowaste, which makes troubles related to this less possible. All erythrocytes must be of the same form, dark-colored, and have a light-gray center.

2. Leucocytes (white blood cells) are part of our immune system. They protect the body from viruses, bacteria and other kinds of infections. There are a number of different types of leucocytes, but those most important for diagnosis are the two main types:

a) Lymphocytes are usually of a round form. After they have revealed the presence of viruses and bacteria in blood, lymphocytes create and release antibodies and antigens.

Another type of leucocytes are phagocytes (or macrophages). They are able to change their form and chase bacteria and viruses to destroy them.

b) Macrophages are responsible for the immunity. If they are depressed (their diameter is smaller than that of erythrocytes), this is a signal of a weakened immunity. Normally, they must be as 2 to 2.5 times as bigger as the diameter of erythrocytes.

3. Thrombocytes (platelets). Thrombocytes are little cells that take part in the process of blood clotting (or coagulation). These very cells stop bleeding from tissue cuts. Adult thrombocytes in blood must be apart from each other, but normally it's possible for a small quantity of them to be aggregated. Bigger clumpings of thrombocytes (a so-called aggregation or sludge of thrombocytes), however, may lead to the formation of clots in blood itself, which is an alarm sign.

Plasma Condition

During the blood examination we should pay attention to the purity of plasma. Bacteria, larvae, fungi and fungi spores should normally be absent from plasma. Fibrinogen spicules should not appear within the first 4 or 5 minutes of the examination.

The Procedure of Blood Examination

It is ideal to carry out a blood examination before or 2 to 3 hours after a meal. A patient should not necessarily fast before the procedure, but he/she should be warned against taking greasy food, meat, and cheese. Fruit, vegetables, sugarless tea with lemon are not prohibited.

The main rule that is to be observed while taking blood from a patient is to provide complete sterility. To this end, one should have:

  • disposable needles;
  • sterile gauze (dry and alcohol drapes);
  • disposable object- and cover-glasses.

For a blood test blood is taken from a finger.

The procedure of blood examination is made up of two stages:

Stage 1. Blood taking and blood examination by means of a dark-field microscope.

After Stage 1 is over, the patient is offered to take dietary supplements, like Coral water, diluted Microhydrin, enzymes, antioxidants Activin, HydroCel.

Stage 2. Forty minutes after that blood is taken from the patient for a second time and a second blood examination takes place. The dynamics of blood changes is to be estimated.

General Diagnosis of Blood Condition

The range of the diagnosis of the functional condition of blood is very vast and enables one to provide an estimation of lipid, protein, carbohydrate and phosphor-calcium metabolism which depends on the way the pancreas and liver work. It also helps to reveal functional disorders which may lead to anemia, atherosclerosis, gout /podagra/, oncological diseases. The diagnosis also covers the condition of the immune system and bowel dysbacteriosis. If the body lacks vitamin B complex, folic acid and ferrum, on the display one can see isolated roundish erythrocytes of different sizes. Damaged edges of erythrocytes signify the presence of free radicals that affect blood cells. There is an opinion that damages brought about by free radicals are the main cause of more than 60 degenerative diseases, including premature aging /senilism/micromegaly/, senile pigmentation, skin aging, allergy, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, disturbed circulation, atherosclerosis, varicose diseases, hypertonia, arthritis, hepatopathy, kidney diseases, loop of vision, cataract, diabetes, strokes, amnemonic diseases, abrosia, tissue inflammation, skin and joints changes.

Estimation of Formed Elements Changes

Erythrocytes. While being digested, products we have eaten release acid. Proteins produce amino acids, fats are the source of fatty acids, and carbohydrates during digestion release hydrogen ions that take part in further formation of acids. Moreover, as a result of physical activity, lactic and pyroracemic acids are produced in the body. All these acids eventually penetrate into blood. Initially alkalotic membranes of erythrocytes under the influence of acids that are present in blood, change a negative charge for a positive one. The higher is the acid level in blood, the more positively-charged are the membranes, and finally erythrocytes get aggregated into chains. Erythrocytes are very vulnerable, that is why such a phenomenon can be treated as a kind of self-defense. The longer are these unstable aggregates of erythrocytes, or blood "rouleaux", as they are also called, and the tighter are the chains, the higher is the acid level in blood.

It is important because when erythrocytes get aggregated in chains, their ability to transport oxygen on the receptors decreases. If one defines the oxygen amount transported by an isolated erythrocyte and compares it to the oxygen potential of an erythrocyte taken from the middle of a long aggregate, one will see that the erythrocyte taken from such a chain is able to transport only 10 % of the oxygen amount transported by the isolated erythrocyte. This means that the cells of our body receive less oxygen than needed (oxygen lack or hypoxia), which, in its turn, leads to the reduction of metabolism intensity, the body tonus lowers, and toxins and biowaste are accumulated in cells. Erythrocytes may be of different sizes and forms. Different sizes of erythrocytes (anisocytosis) may be the result of a reduced content of vitamin B12 and folic acid. Erythrocytes in the form of target cells are formed when there is a ferrum lack. The formation of oval erythrocytes (ovalocytes) is caused by a lack of selenium or zinc. Erythrocytes of irregular forms in the shape of "a gear" result from affection by free radicals or from a long-term chronic intoxication of the body.

Leucocytes. During the examination one shouldn't miss leucocytes of a very small diameter in the shape of "a gear" with a dark membrane. These are the cells affected by free radicals that are a sign of a long-term chronic disease and of a danger of oncologic pathology (like mastopathy, metrofibroma, prostate adenoma, etc.). Inactive leucocytes of a small diameter similar to that of erythrocytes and their inclination for aggregation indicate a too weakened immunity and a smoldering chronic inflammation.

Lymphocytes. Analyzing the condition of lymphocytes, one can determine the activity of the immunity, the body ability for self-recovery, pathologic changes of blood composition that may lead to the development of many diseases.

Diagnosis of Plasma Condition

Fibrinogen. Sometimes, in blood plasma there can be found a kind of lines that look like dark-colored traces of scratches (signs of a liver stress or exhaustion). The reason why such lines appear in blood plasma is fibrinogen, i.e. protein that is part of the blood clotting system. Fibrinogen responds to the presence of bigger protein molecules, fats, and toxins. During digestion, when proteins are not fully digested into amino acids, and fats into fatty acids and lipids, these not fully digested bigger protein molecules (polypeptides) and fats (fatty acids) are released into blood. These bigger molecules attract fibrinogen, an agent of blood clotting that forms long dark-colored lines. This shows that the liver doesn't manage to fully finish the digestion of protein and fat molecules or fails to cope with this task. Dietary supplements that contain plant enzymes help to make the sings of liver exhaustion disappear or, first of all, prevent their formation. Polypeptides in human blood are the main cause of an allergic response to food.

Microlipids. Sometimes, after a greasy meal, small dots that seem to be shaking and hotching can be observed in blood. These dots are tiny drops of lipid fats that are absorbed from the small bowel. They are used in the body as a kind of fuel to get energy, and also for other different purposes, including the formation of cholesterin. If the body doesn't use microlipids, they are turned to fats and are accumulated in all parts of the body or take part in the formation of cholesterin plaques. As a body's response to these tiny fat drops, there may appear lines of a liver stress.

There are useful bacteria present in both blood and the large bowel. They enable the body to function properly (for example, to transport vitamins from digested food into blood). One can easily trace these useful bacteria. As a rule, they are of a roundish form and dark-colored and move in plasma in a “dancing” manner.

Rod bacteria are of an oblong shape and look like as if they had joints. If a patient suffers from a hyperoxemia, these bacteria can proliferate and lead to a health decline. But if the patients organism is alkalotic, these bacteria cannot proliferate. Leucocytes are able to respond to the presence of these bacteria only when they start to proliferate.

An L-shaped bacterium has a roundish outline and a white little circle in the centre. This intensively white centre can be perfectly seen when focusing and adjusting the focus of the microscope. One can mistake L-shaped bacteria for thrombocytes. Thrombocytes, however, have small hair structures that stream out from their core, and L-shaped bacteria dont have anything like that.

A nutrient medium for Candida genus fungi is mercury that is part of antibiotic drugs, as well as wastes of digested wheat-bread and refined sugar. When something of the listed above is in blood, candidiasis flourishes and expands in blood and other body tissues. Candidal toxins that are being released herewith are the cause of many degenerative diseases. Among them are chronic fatigue syndrome, digestive tract diseases, urogenital system diseases and vaginal problems experienced by women.

A big number of fungi spores, bacteria, and sometimes of helminthic invasion larvae signify a bowel dysbacteriosis.

During the examination of a live blood drop, we can observe different crystalloids in blood.

The process of crystallization starts when some section of blood is supersaturated with a certain substance. Crystalloids in blood are amorphous, but when a blood drop is taken from the body and put on a glass for examination, one can see crystals with crisp outlines. Crystallization in blood is permanently in process, and the body in return is constantly producing digestive enzymes that make them liquid again, which prevents the formation of crystalloids.

1. Orthophosphates are dark-colored small bodies in plasma. They signify an apparent disorder of the phosphor-calcium metabolism and a sharp calcium deficiency of the body, which is usually caused by different chronic diseases, like bowel dysbacteriosis (defective calcium absorption in the bowel), thyroid function abnormality, climacterical period, chronic fatigue syndrome, different kinds of osteopathy, arthropathy, spinal diseases, etc.

2. Uric acid crystalloids are transparent units in plasma that are like a “broken glass syndrome”. They are formed because of the disorder of kidneys filtration capacity, inclination to sand formation, urolithiasis, urine acid diathesis, podagra. Uric acid is a side-product of protein metabolism. As a rule, when uric acid is moving through the liver, it is changed into urea. After that kidneys excrete it from the body. Crystalloids are generally transparent or of a yellowish tinge. They are often formed in joint capsules and cause arthritis and arthrosis.

3. Cholesterin crystalloids are formed in blood when the cholesterin concentration is high-leveled and the body isnt able to fully utilize it, which leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Cholesterin is formed when fats are being digested. It is necessary for most functions in the body. The body uses cholesterin to create cell membranes and to produce hormones. A human body is able both to produce it by itself and to get it from food. Cholesterin synthesis takes place mainly in the liver, still to a lesser extent in the adrenal glands, skin, bowel and other organs. However, the body can use it only when it is a liquid, but not a crystallized formation.

Crystalloids are of a rounded form, and their transparence enables one to see the erythrocytes that are under the crystals. The body, if it is able to, produces digestive enzymes (usually lipase) that start the cleavage of cholesterin crystals. At first, one can see some splits that have appeared in the crystal structure, and then the crystal starts to fall to tiny pieces. Just after that these tiny pieces start to transform into liquid.

The formation of cholesterin plaques in blood starts when the body is no longer able to change cholesterin crystals back into liquid. In this case, acid, bacteria biowaste and other wastes that are found in plasma get aggregated around these cholesterin crystals. As a result of such an aggregation, the crystal darkens, and it seems as if there were colored sands inside. The crystal hardens, and its surface becomes very rough, which allows it to attach to arterias walls, thus causing atherosclerosis.

A Second Blood Examination

A blood examination is carried out in two stages. During the first stage we determine the patients blood condition in his/her everyday life.

A second blood examination is performed 40 minutes after the patient has taken a certain programme of “Coral Club” dietary supplements.

The result is considered to be positive if erythrocytes move freely in plasma and are of a normal form; macrophages have become bigger in size and more active; cholesterin, glucose, orthophosphoric and uric acids crystalloids have become smaller or disappeared at all. If the aggregation and sludge of erythrocytes remain herewith, this is a sign of a disordered lipid metabolism, enzymopathy and acidity of blood.

Treatment of Revealed Disorders with the help of “Coral Club” Dietary Supplements

Basic products - “Alka-Mine” Coral Calcium, Microhydrin, Microhydrin Plus, HydroCel, Assimilator, Activin.

For the strengthening of the immune system - “FirstFood” Colostrum, “Colo-Vada Plus” Clearance Programme, Echinacea.

Antifungal Programme - C-Free, “Silver-Max” Colloidal Silver.

Antiparasitic Programme - Pau DArco, Herbal Combination Seven, Herbal Tincture Seven, Black Walnut Leaves.

For the treatment of an apparent calcium deficiency - “Alka-Mine” Coral Calcium, Calcium Magic (MagiCal), Chewable Calcium with Vitamins C&D.

For the treatment of kidney diseases - Alfalfa, Herbal Combination Six, Herbal Combination Two, Licorice Root.

For the normalization of the liver function - True Lecithin, Omega 3/60, Artichoke NanoClusters.

For the treatment of dysbacteriosis - “Colo-Vada Plus” Clearance Programme, Mega Acidophilus, Chlor-O-Dophilus, Spirulina, “Pro-Fiber E.F.A.” Cocktail, Vitamin B Complex.

For the normalization of the pancreas function - plant enzymes: Assimilator, Papaya, Digestion Formula, Whole Food Nutrition Formula.

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